Short Safety Message for a SAFE New Year’s Celebration!

Published by Robert Brounstein on


Just a short safety message for these final days of the year…..

Tomorrow is New year’s Eve.  Lots of celebrations and that means we can expect to see the typical overindulgence of alcohol and other substances. If you feel that your abilities are a little compromised, please do not get behind the wheel.  If you see a friend or relative slightly under-the-influence, please don’t let them drive. 

In these days of Uber, Lyft and cabs and designated drivers, there is no reason to drive intoxicated.  AND, if you are sober, remember to watch carefully for other drivers on the road.  Yield your right-of-way if you see a car weaving in traffic….it’s not worth pushing your luck as a person under the influence does not have proper judgement and their reflexes are compromised.

So, please be careful this New Years.  Enjoy and be safe….we want to see you back at work for a successful and prosperous 2020!!!