Driving Safety During the Summer

Published by Robert Brounstein on


It’s June and we are moving into the Summer months (some places have already hit triple-digit temperatures). And that means we need to ensure our vehicles – company vehicles as well as our personal cars – are properly maintained for extreme heat conditions. Ignoring proper vehicle maintenance can result in unfortunate consequences; like finding ourselves on the roadside. And should that occur in some remote areas (which always seems to be the case – especially in teen horror movies), where phone service is limited, we can find ourselves having one unpleasant day. It is generally at these times, when we start kicking ourselves for NOT checking our cars as we realize that our uncomfortable situation (which, hopefully, that is all that the this amounts) could have been avoided.

If there is only one thing to check for in the Summer, it is the battery. Battery problems don’t always occur in the winter. In fact, summer heat can have a more negative impact on your battery than freezing winter temperatures. Just an FYI, living in a desert environment, means that your car battery probably won’t reach the life of the warranty.  In places like Las Vegas, a “72-month battery” may only be good for three years. And should that happen, you can go to the place where you purchased your battery for new one: there’s a good chance you may pay for a new one based on a pro-rated price.

In addition to heat, vibration can be a battery’s worst enemy; leading to internal breakdown and eventual failure. While you can’t do much about the heat, you can make sure your battery is securely mounted to minimize vibration.

Another potential problem is the accelerated evaporation rate of the battery fluid. This can result in corrosion to the terminals and connections. Therefore, it is important to clean any corrosive buildup from battery terminals and cable clamps, and ensure the clamps are tight enough that they will not move. If a battery is more than three years old, it’s a good idea to have it tested. This can be accomplished at any auto store or repair shop. Many times, this is a free service when you bring you vehicle in for a routine inspection. Chances are an auto store will tell you it’s time for a new battery. Hey, better to hear about it before a problem, then after! 

Another thing to pay attention is the engine. Cooling systems protect engines from overheating and should be flushed periodically, as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Between flushes, make sure the coolant is filled to the proper level by checking the overflow reservoir. If necessary, top off the reservoir with a 50/50 mix of water and the coolant type specified by the vehicle manufacturer. CAUTION! – Never remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot – boiling coolant under pressure could cause serious burns. Rubber cooling system components are susceptible to heat-related deterioration, so periodically inspect hoses and drive belts for cracking, soft spots or other signs of poor condition.

Keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires can overheat when traveling over long distances and increase the likelihood of a blowout: especially when the black road surfaces are subject to the sun’s radiative influences, causing extreme temperatures – and yes, one can cook an egg on the road. Check your car’s tire pressures (including the spare) at least once a month, because tires typically lose about one pound of pressure per month through normal seepage. For the most accurate reading, check tire pressures when the tires are cold. Always follow inflation pressure recommendations in your vehicle owner’s manual or on the tire information label located in the glove box or on the driver’s door jamb. Many experts warn against using the tire pressure reading located on the tire sidewall, as this may not be the correct pressure for your particular vehicle.

Make sure fluids are at appropriate levels.Most engine fluids lubricate and serve as coolants by helping carry heat away from critical components. When fluid levels are low, the cooling effect is reduced, which increases the possibility of overheating. Periodically check all vehicle fluids, including motor oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid and brake fluid, to ensure they are at appropriate levels. If any fluids need to be topped off, be sure to use the type of fluid specified in the owner’s manual.

During extreme summer heat, an air-conditioning system can be more than just a pleasant convenience. It can reduce fatigue, which plays an important part in driver alertness and vehicle safety. If a car’s air conditioning is not maintaining the interior temperature as well as it once did, it may mean the refrigerant level is low or there is another problem. In addition, if your car has a cabin filter, it should be inspected and replaced as needed to ensure maximum airflow and cooling during the summer months.

Even with preventive maintenance, summer breakdowns can still occur, so it is important to have a well-stocked emergency kit in your car. The kit should include water, non-perishable food items, jumper cables, a flashlight with extra batteries, road flares or an emergency beacon, basic hand tools and a first aid kit.

For the most part, many maintenance tasks needed to prepare a car for extreme summer heat are relatively simple and can be performed by the average driver, but some are best left to a trained automotive mechanic.

Bottom line, being stranded in a remote location is no fun under any circumstance. However, it feels a lot worse when we know we could have prevented such an incident from occurring by performing some simple preventative maintenance!

Love what you do. Believe in your instincts. And you’d better be able to pick yourself up and brush yourself off every day

Mario Andretti