
5/20/2011 In Greek mythology, Mercury is the fleet-footed messenger of the Gods. He was the cleverest of the Olympians, patron of translators and interpreters. He ruled over wealth, good fortune, commerce, fertility. . . and thievery. He brought the souls of the dead to the underworld, and was honored as Read more…


1/31/2011 It was not that long ago: 1986, when a construction engineer at the Limerick Nuclear Power Generating Station in Pottstown, Pa. visited the plant’s radiation-detection section.  When he stepped into the radiation counting machines, his radiation levels were so high that the monitors hit overload and could not properly Read more…


8/24/2020 When we write up our S&H documents for field work, the subject of wildlife is typically discussed. Many times, we think of animal encounters such as bears. We typically specify that avoidance is the best practice to control contact with these creatures. And that may mean having an awareness Read more…